Always Bringing Down Under The House ☕

Coffee Cup Forty-Six ☕

Whats the point if a person of no means who don't want anything in her whole entire was the way it seemed. Here's this woman of despair. She's always running off at her mouth to the point of decayed submission. Almost always mumbling out the most stupidest things anyone could ever imagine. And then...when this woman is called out on it, she will get totally , stupid, and always want to fight about everything no matter what it is.

Here's this man...who wants to achieve his all of his goals in life, but...always in a set back; a web this woman weaved for him. He's temporarily caught up in her web of deceit, lies and disgrace with despicable consequences and repercussions. What's a man to do with all of this mess that continueously taunts him? Will he be able to escape this decayed web that he was caught in? Only time had told on itself!

This man escaped this decayed web with faith, trust, belief, pride and dignity. He is no more caught in despair that would of caused havoc and chaos with his health that he suffers within his brainwaves. Who wouldn't be proud of this man, who escaped a woman, who only wanted to keep him way down; all up under her, running up light bills on his watch, and treating him like a slave to do whatever she wanted him to do on her time. Only time had told on itself! He is no longer in her grasp, or in her clutches, or in her total sight, until he receives his children that they share. He is not returning to her and what was once was.

A has been this woman is...and a has been she will always be with no kind goals in life, or what she wants to achieve. She doesn't want to do anything that would make her more beautiful in her mind, body and soul.  Even if it was a brief moment in her tragic life; she doesn't consider herself a real person, but a trailer trash skank who don't want anything that anyone has to offer her. Only time will tell!
