The Eye Of The Storm ☕

Coffee Cup Eighteen ☕

I'm so thankful that my immediate family and I survived the raff of Hurricane Irma. There are so many people in several counties in Florida still without power, which water all in desperate measures of finding some sort of relief and surviving the best way they possibly can. Hurricane Irma was truly a catastrophic disaster. Florida on the other hand has never experienced anything like this since Hurricane Andrew. Hurricane Irma was the most costly and the most deadliest hurricane to ever hit Florida.

Days after the storm, I've seen one disaster after another. Power lines in the road. Trees and Utility poles unearthed from the ground. Trees had fallen into homes, vehicles, and in the middle of main highways and people acting like severely stupid and one of the most catastrophic times. There was one episode where I saw on news reports that Hurricane Irma had sucked up all the water in Tampa, Florida at Bayshore drive.

There were no water to be found for miles. I wasn't surprised about the power GOD and his son JESUS had to cause a storm to do what it did with the water. I thought when something like that happens, I think about time. Time isn't long on this earth! I take heed to it's truthful facts.

Hurricane Irma should always be a learning lesson to the State of Florida and any other southern state that has been hit hard by hurricanes. GOD and his son JESUS is the way for true protection, true guidance and comfort in times like this worldwide. I will continue to thank GOD and his son JESUS for my family and for myself for bringing us through one of the most catastrophic disasters like Hurricane Irma.

Everyone in the State of Florida...please stay safe and truly blessed.

Everyone...I would like to know your input on one of the most serious posts on this blog site. This topic is open for discussion. 
