Faking The Human Standards ☕

Coffee Cup Twenty-Six ☕

Why does a person in general think they can create a human being by hand and putting that human inside of another human? It looks weird when I post that question here right? Of course it's weird when people in general think they can do everything better than GOD and his son JESUS. Our pilots above can do a better job creating people and placing them inside of another human being than all of us as human beings put together. There is no cloning, or clay carving that will compare the remarkable work of GOD and his son JESUS.

I don't think anyone can question GOD and his son JESUS to do so. When I post this post for the world to see, it put me in mind of a gal that I know who thinks she can create a child with her mind; place that child inside of her to make it seem real, then carry this child in her imagination and in her belly for every day, week, or month she claims to have a presents living inside of her without losing an ounce of her beautiful shape. "I know an expanded body when I see one!" There is no one in the world that can justify another human being living inside of them unless there is proof otherwise.  It would be nice to see that for a change...a little pee, or blood, or a picture.

Let's be real! Faking the human standards of a "live" person is the cruelest thing anyone can do in this entire world. Don't ever sit around and lie about it in order to keep a man, or make him suffer your lie. Give him proof! Give his family proof of another live human being growing inside you like a precious flower. Be direct and not hide the facts, than to be discreetly sneaky when the presents of another human being is with in the human gene pool.

This is where life long problems and constant lying will continue to exist and all trust is lost when in comes with confirming a pregnancy.

What do you think about the post? Sound off in an open discussion. 
