When The Repercussions Finally Catches Up With You ☕

Coffee Cup Thirty-Five ☕

When your repercussions catches up with you, your eyes began to open to a ton of possible outcome. The consequences of ones mind and actions see to exist. Nonetheless...the mind is a terrible thing to waste. I hate to see eggs fried to death by people who don't understand the meaning of and life and the realities that comes with it. Here's my point! I know everyone is very tired of me talking about this young naive little girl of whom I discuss in my recent posts.

Sometimes certain situations, posts, dramatic spasms and mayhem can't be helped...only to talk about them. It's a learning experience I want everyone who reads my posts here take into consideration. This girl is finally opening up her eyes to her reality check. She was told to leave the bum she was shacked up with alone. She refuse to do so. Now everyone (family and friends) are completely done with her.

The bum this naive girl is with will continue to beat up on her for the second or third time to keep her in his clutches and there is nothing to do about it either. She was warned! Now she wants to call on the people of whom were trying to help her in the beginning that she kept beating up on to give her some help in getting out of her situation that she deeply put herself in. This naive little girl was presented with the consequences and the repercussions from the people she kept beating up for her nasty actions. Everyone has washed their hands of her.

Now she must face the realities of life without anyone helping her along the way. All bridges North, South, East and West has burned down. They could never be restored again. The naive little girl with her baby in tow and another baby on the way(no quite a year after the first) will began learn to live life on her own without help. The bum she's with has been picked up and nurtured by his mother: he will never learn to be a man (it seems to me) for the naive family he has created.

The naive little girl must pick up the pieces and move on...as we (my family and friend) has told her in the beginning. I hope that she will start listening to reason some time in the near future. There will be no more questions to ask for this girl to ask, or any answers for her naive conscience. My family and I are completely done.
