Baby Blown Up And Busted ☕

Coffee Cup Thirty-Four ☕

What webs is she still weaving without a pot to piss in, or a window to throw it out of? My family and I just find out, oh there is another bun in the oven along with the one she already have that she and the bum she's with can't even take care of? What is this girl thinking of? Poor victims of their so called parents ignorant circumstances. What a big mess!

I get so angry and upset thinking about babies born and unborn to suffer. Why can't these gals and guys stop creating life if they are not responsible for their own miserable lives? I wish someone could of been that fly on the wall when those two idiots was making an extra victim. I wish that fly could say, "Stop what you're doing and protect yourself, because you don't need another bun in the oven to bake." Here's is the facts remaining, "I think I'm too late when I wrote this post."

What can I or anyone do for this girl who makes it difficult to help her? Let me answer that! Nothing. Let us all move on and try not to look back on what was, what could of been and never will. Hopes and dreams are just a lost cause for this gal and guy when they made their children (the three month old and the unborn one) a doomed and an unknown future.

Karma is justified in the case of this naive girl and the bum she's with. Indeedy a total reality check is what's in store for these clueless young folks.

Are you tired of me talking this naive girl? She's a very interesting concept to display her on our blog site. Tell me what you think of this post in an open discussion.
