Skanks Anonymous ☕

Coffee Cup Fourteen ☕

If you loved my latest post 'Skanksville' you're going to love 'Skanks Anonymous', I promise you. This post is for helping known skanks get a grip on life and for them to stop all the baby mama drama, dramatic spasms and mayhem, and drama in general. Its makes a woman look pathetic, sick and totally ignorant. Who goes down these roads of ingenious? Let me answer that for everyone.

Those without self confidence, self esteem and no common sense. What is the point in selling ones self as a donkey, or looking like a complete incompetent idiot in front of your children, friends and family members? Where is the respect...the dignity in ones conscience if life hasn't dealt them anything but stupidity, ignorance and feeble-minded actions instead of finding a solution for ones action that makes them look like a fool in the first place? Its obvious to know how to handle dramatic women and men who can't seem to get a grip on how to shut the heck up, or act like they got common sense, or stop being so stupid and handle situations like grown respectful women and men. Here's the solution, "GOD and his son JESUS works in mysterious ways in all of our lives."

Why not pray about it first. Talk to that person about attitude and where it will get them in life (if they want to hear what you're saying to help save their lives) with all the consequences and the repercussions their actions will provide them in the long run. Skanks like some of those I know who continue acting as though they rule over a situation or the man they're involved with (who probably don't love them either) fight for them and without common sense.  If the situation is not worth fighting for, then why fight a losing battle not worth fighting instead of moving on with life. Some super skanks (women and men) will never learn this notion!

There will lost little children out there reading, learning and taking notion to their dramatic parents actions. "Pawns...I call them!" Children always get dragged, abused and accused when their skank-o-lishous parents who can't seem to get a grip on life. I find it a lost only GOD and his son JESUS can handle better than I and the world put together. Let us all go figure! GOD and his son JESUS already have the solution before I wrote this post.

What do you think about women and men are skanks in their own conscience? Will they every change their ways? Sound off in our open discussion.
