Feeling The Heat ☕

Coffee Cup Eleven ☕

People who know me (Author: Terri Celestine Brunson) feel the heat when I give out a few pointers in and about the realities of life's. I never sugar coat anything when it comes to life and telling like it is and how it should be. I would be lying to myself if I hide what is the most important details that life has to offer every last one of us to face in reality.  Life should be relayed to the public as a learning experience. One can lose life if not understood with help of GOD and his son JESUS in detail, acknowledgement and understanding.

I learned that most of all when I lost my FATHER. That was the most difficult, full of misery, and the most trying day of my natural born mortal life. He was everything to me...being a daddy's girl and all. Satan (my ex aunt which her name I choose to keep anonymous) came in between every brink of life and my immediate family's life during the most important moments with my FATHER. I will never forget the havoc, the chaos, and the hell this woman put my family and I through when my FATHER needed his immediate family the most. "Most of all...she helped to put my FATHER in his casket  and that is very very very personal for me." Vengeance is GOD and his son JESUS and it's in their hands to continue to deal with my ex aunt in continuance during her trials and tribulations, losses reaping and sowing where karma is fulfilled.

Nonetheless...she can't do nothing for me, or fix the damage she caused and I want nothing more to do with her. So...for that said, "I'm moving on to what makes me happy with life." Never forgetting my FATHER Wesley Brunson Sr.! May he rest in heaven. I have more to live for in life and I don't intending wasting it on things I can't change, not even for myself. Life is too short to deal with ignorance, feeble-mindedness and imbecilic attitudes.

GOD and his son JESUS in every situation I can't handle on my own. With prayer, perseverance, patience, guidance and understanding, I know everything will be alright in my healing stages. If I could help everyone cope with their problems (with the help of GOD and his son JESUS) I would be a genius in psychology. But...I'm not! GOD and his son JESUS is the solution to every one's trials and tribulation. We all need to take heed in asking, trusting, believing, and having faith in our pilots to make life a little more easier than usual.

It's alright if you feel the heat...most of us do when times are hard to deal with in most terms. Don't let what life dealt you become haste among those you truly love and those we don't know about in general. There is always trouble over the horizon if this concept is taken out of terms by our own misunderstanding. This is why I pray a lot; ask GOD and his son JESUS for forgiveness if I've done anyone or anything wrong. I pray too...when I don't sugar coat things, people and places that need attention to the public.

I pray that I can relay what I don't sugar coat as tastefully as I could possibly get it sound, see, acknowledge and understand when it comes the realities of life without getting my butt kicked to the curb.

Have you ever felt the heat in life's challenges? I'm sure everyone has. What would be your concept when it comes to dealing with life challenges? Sound off in an open discussion. 
