Do Not Find Trouble, Don't Let It Find You☕

Coffee Cup Ten ☕

Questions for the one who are causing all the problems. "Why keep looking for trouble when your never going to find it in all the right places? Why waste time looking for trouble when you have no reason to cause trouble for anyone in this matter in the first place? Its obvious that somebody don't want to give up on the drama. "I wonder who could this be that is causing all these issues when there was no issue to begin with?" Let's move on what's logical to this post.

Here's my point, "Get over it...geesh!" There was no reason to bring up the past, let's move on and straighten up that look that brings sorrow and unhappiness. Misery is not an option here. Pouring all of ones time into something that don't make no since wastes valuable time and patience that should be well spent on being happy and living life to the fullest. So let's move on from this notion why don't we.

This is for the gal with milk duds around her mouth in this post. "Why can't the younger generation of men and women understand that growing up is a part of life?" Don't they know they need to grow up some time in their lives when they reach the age of young adulthood? Here's an example to my point. When a man has a child with another woman and the woman he's involved with can't accept the fact that her man has a child with this other women and that he has to keep communication with the other woman in order to see that child vice versa? Where's is the other woman's trust (the presently involved with the man) where's the communication? What happens to the relationship when trust and communication isn't one of the main ingredients to make their relationship work?

Its obvious anyone can answer this question, if they are mature enough. I get so sick and tired dealing with people like this, if they can't work out their trust, honesty, and communication issues. They might as well rip that bandaid off of what was their protection in mending their relationship together and move on with reality and the fact that it's not working between them. GOD and his son JESUS has the remedy for every trial and tribulation every one of us go through in life. If we all can't trust, be honest with ourselves and communicate without haste to the ones you and I supposedly love and pray to our pilots, then we're all in trouble dealing with life's realities.

Trying to mend emotions, thoughts and concerns without the help of GOD and his son JESUS through all of our trials and tribulations will always weaken the trust and limit communication between the two people in their troubled relationship. They want be able to accept the things that most of us can't change even if we want to. Here's the punch! This is for everyone having problem in their relationship, their home or where ever that may be. Put everything in the hand of GOD and his son JESUS and leave it there for trust, perseverance, prayer, guidance and understanding. And the results will reveal itself when our pilots bring sight to those who are blinded without understanding.

What do you feel should happen to the anonymous characters in this post? Should they weigh their options in the matter of their relationship? Sound off in an open discussion.
