Coffee Cup Twenty-Five ☕
When you think your loved one (who is suppose to be a brilliant young man) is listening to what you're trying to tell him about the women who are the main surface area of his prism of despair, he seem to lose a little bit of himself in the clouds where he's standing at the peak. We (as his family) know that the women in the prism are consistently bringing him down. He seems to ignore us a little bit of what is being relayed to him as a reality check about his life and what it's been like for him since he left his misery in bondage. I truly believe this young man does get the concept of what his family were trying to tell to him about the dramatic spasms and controversial mayhem from these women at each perimeter of his prism of despair and that they have been clouding his vision of their character and the way he thinks. He's at the height of everything that is going on in his life full of unhappiness and despair.
There are two woman at each perimeter (base of the prism) fighting one another; both are looking towards the peak blaming this young man and using their children as pawns to discredit that fact he's a true young man and an awesome father to his own child and the those that doesn't belong to him biologically. There was one woman in particular who I place in the center (the nucleus) of this young man's prism of despair. She is the one who caused all of his problems leading to his misery in bondage. I also cast the blame on this young man for his disobedience when it comes to leaving well enough alone when it comes to the nucleus of confusion. Another woman (who is the egg donor) of his first biological child...who are at this particular moment floating like an electron around the nucleus of confusion (lost beyond reason) so far out of reality.
Here's my point to this post! The young man in this post has involved himself in a prism filled with disaster, drama, spasms, and controversial mayhem. All the children who are involved in the prism of despair are total victims of domestic abuse (basically coming from the women) who are causing all the problems in the general scheme of things. I ask this young man (who is basically my loved one) "Why want you step out of the prism and walk towards happiness on the other side of the horizon?' He never really answered my question.
The young man never uttered or mumbled a single solitary word in complaint. He sat silently and listened. That's it! What I'm trying to say is that the young man in this post continues to carry around the weights of despair and I feel that he's trapped and he's looking for a way out of his prism of which it will complete the surface area of where he wants to go towards the horizon. I hope that someday the young man in my post will find his way through the glare, finally stepping out of the prism and into a new life filled with possibilities for a brighter future and total happiness.
What do you think the young man should do about the women in his prism of despair (who I want to remain anonymous) in my post? Sound off in an open discussion.
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